Review: Biore skin care products☆

by - November 04, 2012

Few time ago, I didn't really cared for my skin. My facial skin care routine basically was washing my face with body soap, which is not the best since the skin in your face is more delicate and needs special care.
So recently I started looking for products actually designed for your face and I found Biore products:

Hace poco tiempo que empecé a realmente cuidar mi piel. Antes usaba jabón de baño para lavarme la cara, lo que es algo inadecuado puesto que la piel facial es más delicada. 
Fue así como empecé a buscar productos diseñados para el rostro y me tope con la marca Biore:

Today I'll review their Pore unclogging scrub, Deep cleansing pore nose strips and the 4-in-1 detoxifying cleanser.

Hoy haré una reseña de varios de sus productos: Exfoliador facial desincrustante, Bandas de limpieza profunda para nariz y Limpiador facial desintoxicante 4-en-1.

The first one I got were their nose strips. These are supposed to remove all the dirt, oil and blackheads from your nose and also make your pores look smaller.
The box contains 8 stripes packaged individually:

La cajita con las bandas fue la prmera que adquirí. Se supone que remueven los puntos negros y la grasa de la piel. Contiene 8 bandas individuales:

These is how the stripes look by themselves:

Asi es como se ven las bandas:

They kinda feel like thin fabric-paper and come attached to a plastic liner. To use them you remove the stripe from the plastic and apply them on a wet nose (if its dry it won't stick to the skin). Then you are supposed to wait 10-15 minutes until it dries and hardens (like papier-mâché) and remove it.

Estan hechas de como una tela-papel delgado, que viene sobre un plástico. Se remueve el plástico faciltamente y se aplican sobre la nariz húmeda (si está seca no se adhieren). Según las instrucciones, esperas 10-15 minutos en lo que se endurece sobre tu nariz y se remueve.

In my personal experience, I had to wait from 20 to 30 minutes for it to be fully dry and hardened. When wet they have a medicine-like smell, but it didn't bother me. When removing it it does hurt a little, my eyes teared up a bit but nothing really bad. The skin also stayed irritated for 1-2 hours. If you have very sensitive skin though these might not be the best for you.
I didn't had that many blackheads, just few in the sides and bottom of my nose. The stripes did remove most of the blackheads in my nose, though leaving some of the small ones. I don't have a problem with the size of my pores, didn't really saw a change in this aspect.

En mi caso, tuve que esperar 20-30 minutos para que la banda se secará completamnete sobre mi nariz. Al removerla si duele un poquito, los ojos me lloraron algo pero nada terrible. Si tienes piel muy sensible puede que si sea muy doloroso o irritante.
Yo no tenía muchos puntos negros antes de usarlas. Las banditas removieron casi todos los que tenía, son efectivas.

The first time I used them the blackheads started appearing again after 2-3 days. The second time in 1-2 days and the third time the next day which was kinda disappointing. Also, by the third time I used them, I started getting TONS of blackheads ALL over my nose, more than I ever had!

La primera vez que las use, los puntos negro tardaron en aparecer en 2-3 días. La segunda vez 1-2 días. Para la tercera vez, al siguiente día ya tenía algunos. Esta última vez, me empezaron a salir MUCHISIMOS puntos negros, más de los que he tenido en toda mi vida. Fue horrible, horrriibleee :P

This is when I decided to look for a cleanser, toner and exfoliating scrub for a proper skin care routine and Biore products looked promising.

Entonces decidí buscar productos diseñados especificamente para el rostro y crear una rutina de limpieza y cuidado ya bien. Chequé los productos de Biore y se veían prometedores así que los probé.

I chose the 4-in-1 Detoxifying Cleanser because you clean and tone at the same time, it is also self-foaming, really convenient! I love the packaging, the pump is very practical and prevents wasting product.

Uno de los productos que escogí fue este limpiador facial, que limpia y tonifica al mismo tiempo:
The foam kinda looks like a heart XD
I really liked this product. It leaves my skin totally clean, even when I'm wearing heavy foundation and I didn't needed a lot product. You get a nice amount in the bottle so this will last for a while.

When using this, my problem with the blackheads mentioned above got a lot better! I started using this daily, in the morning and before going to sleep and the amount of blackheads and oiliness in my nose got reduced. Another thing I liked was the refreshing feeling it gives to my skin (similar to the fresh feeling when you brush your teeth with a minty toothpaste), great for waking up or after a tiring day

Este producto me encanto, deja mi rostro completamente limpio! Y también puso bajo control el problema de puntos negros mencionado anteriormente, que mejor!
Otra cosa que me gusto es que te refresca la piel (se siente tipo cuando te lavas los dientes con pasta dental de menta), genial para levantarte en la mañana o irte a dormir.

The only problem with this product is that it dries up my skin (mine is dry to normal, except for my nose area), nothing that a good moisturizer can't solve but kinda annoying. I think this would be great for oily skin though, it's completely oil free.

El único problema que le vi es que deja mi piel algo seca (tengo complexión normal-seca exepto en el área de la nariz que es grasa), nada que una crema humectante no solucione pero medio molesto. Recomendaría su uso especialmente a las personas con piel grasa.

For exfoliating I got the Pore Unclogging Scrub:

Para remover impurezas y piel muerta escogí el Exfoliador facial desincrustante:

It is a creamy gel with tiny blue spheres to exfoliate, a little goes a long way. I didn't feel harsh on my skin and it was also refreshing. My skin did felt softer and looked slightly clearer after using this, but the difference was barely noticeable. It does, the job, it's a good scrub but nothing impressive.

Es un gel cremoso con pequeñas partículas para exfoliar, rinde mucho. Este también tiene un efecto refrescante y después de usarlo note mi piel un poco más suave. Es un buen exfoliador, hace su trabajo.

In conclusion, I think I'd recommend all these products. They work better when used all together.
Personally, even when these are good and affordable, I think I'll look around and try more products

En conclusión, recomendaría todos estos productos. Funcionan mucho mejor si los usas todos en conjunto. Personalmente, aunque creo que son buenos, efectivos y económicos, seguiré probando más productos.

Which are your favorite skin care products?

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    1. Thank you ^^ sure, I'll check out your home!~

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